The story of how Nicky and Ben met has a touch of providence about it. The scene was the iconic and bustling London village of Wimbledon. A boy named Ben who lived at the bottom of the hill met a girl named Nicky who lived at the top of that very same hill and so they fell in love. It may have been a mutual friend who they both happened to know from completely different places who connected these two but that is just about all that is tenuous about their relationship. Since that fateful meeting they have shared many memories, travelled far and wide, bought their first house and made it their home together and adopted two adorable kittens.
As we resisted the temptation to jet off to Thailand where Ben proposed to Nicky we instead met them in the woodlands of Wimbledon Common for their engagement session, a place they both love and at the heart of where their story began years ago. We immediately connected with Nicky and Ben as we strolled through the reserve. The warmth of their personalities mean they embrace new situations and people. Velvety soft light made its way through the branches of bare trees and made a captivating backdrop for us to document the two of them together. Nicky and Ben share a love that is full of light and radiance and affects all that see it. We are very much looking forward to seeing them again for their wedding celebrations at Launton Tythe Barn in the Oxfordshire countryside.