Mangala & Alex had the most stunning Blenheim Palace wedding earlier this year. The couple celebrated their big day with 150 guests, an intimate affair in comparison to the thousand friends, relatives and community members that joined them for their wedding in India a few weeks earlier! One of our favourite things about Mangala and Alex’s wedding was the visible emotion and joy they felt, expressing just how much this day and each other meant to them.
They had so many beautiful memories from the day that it was perfect to tell a story with their favourite moments and photographs in a gorgeous Queensberry wedding album. Mangala and Alex chose a stunning 12 X 12 flushmount Queensberry wedding album, which lends itself to contemporary and stylish design style and finish. We always design our couple’s albums ourselves as the way the story fits together is shaped by our couple’s personalities and unique wedding. Who better than to tell the story than the people who witnessed the entire day unfold!
Mangala & Alex’s wedding was about the big and bold moments of the emotion, setting and gorgeous portraits captured during the day. It was also about the quieter stories hidden behind the details and the people who celebrated with them that created the depth and layers of their story. A photograph of Mangala’s bouquet show her wedding flowers as well as a gift that her mother made for her when she was born. A bottle of champagne opened by Alex epitomizes the celebration of the moment and also the love of a parent for his daughter as Mangala’s father bought the bottle the day she was born. These photographs tell stories that unfolded the day they were taken, the histories that lead to these moments and the strings that tie them and all the people who were there together.
The couple chose a striking silk cover in vibrant twilight with a classic personalised cover motiff. Everything about the album, from the style to the contents, really reflects the personalities of Mangala and Alex and their unforgettable wedding day. We know they will be enjoying this heirloom for generations to come and we are honoured to have been part of their day. To see more from Mangala and Alex’s Blenheim Palace wedding please click here or to see the full design of their album please click to view the slideshow here as featured on Queensberry’s website.