To get to know us you need to meet one of the vital influencers in our household, our 18 month old chocolate Burmese cat. To say life revolves around Hemingway, sounds drastic but is somewhat accurate. With one purr, meow or playful antic all current activity may cease and attention justly focused on this very demanding but oh so cute little fellow. He is naughty, charming, intelligent and very amusing. When taking a break from plotting world domination he is extremely affectionate. Particularly when feeling hungry or sleepy in fact.
His favourite things are socks, balls, blankets, gowns, steak and biltong. His mortal enemies are the hoover, flies (anything small that moves in fact, last summer we had an unfortunate encounter with a bee!) and the noise from our juicer. We chose him from a litter of 5 adorable kittens, but he stood out from the first time we visited the family near Highclere Castle when he was just a week old. When we finally got to take him home 2 months later he had already crept into our hearts. With his sleepy snores and his fascination with gravity (anything that can be, should be tapped off a surface!) we just adore having him in our lives.
One of the benefits of coming to visit us at our studio is that you will get to meet Hemingway in person. He loves guests and sees it at as opportunity to increase his popularity and gain some extra attention. To give you an idea of what you can expect when meeting him we’ve put some of our favourite Instagram photos on the blog, which you will most likeky have seen if you follow us on Facebook or Twitter! Enjoy!